Red kite (Latin: milvus milvus)

            The red kite, native to Western Europe, is not only a frequent guest in IPI’s Innovationspark Vorpommern but holds a special meaning for our company.

            A worrying number of renewable energy companies resort to using horizontal turbines which kill hundreds of thousands of birds and bats every year. Additionally, birds like the red kite fall victims to various power lines accidents, as well as the use of synthetic fertilizers and toxic pesticides.

            In 2006, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources placed the red kite on their list of endangered species. We at IPI AG are committed to making a difference in the world we live in, working together with our clients towards a more sustainable future; our choice of logo thus represents not only our efforts for a greener tomorrow, but also draws attention to the problem and helps us fight for the preservation of hundreds of endangered species. 

            By choosing to be represented by the red kite, we at IPI AG commit to:

            Primarily using solar energy to generate power and heat

            Explore and develop wind turbines for commercial use

            Build battery power plants that supply enough energy for an entire region, thus eliminating the need for huge power lines

            Obtain natural soil conditioners and fertilizers from biomass and sewage sludge with our HTC technology and minimize the toxic effects of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

            We know we can’t change the world today but by implanting alternative solutions, we and our clients try to build a greener and safer tomorrow.

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